Emma Lyle

My name is Emma and this is my first year as an ambassador for ASA! This will be my 4th season riding and I am growing increasingly passionate about the sport every year. My husband got me involved a few years ago when he came home with a new sled and I was admittedly jealous (even though I knew nothing about sleds and was not a fan of winter). He taught me the basics of riding on his dad's 1989 Yamaha SRV.

When it become clear I was a little more serious, we found a 1992 Arctic Cat EXT for me to ride and I was able to join some of our friends and get out of riding in our friend's field, to riding the amazing David Thomspon trails. I feel like this is when I became addicted.

For Christmas in 2020, I was surprised to receive a 2018 RMK Pro. I feel like it's a good representation that you can join the sport at any time and at any level. I now set new, bigger, and better goals to improve my riding and knowledge each season as well as to visit new clubs and trails in the province.

Before I started, I didn't know that Alberta had so much to offer when it came to sledding. Whether you're riding mountains or trails, the Alberta sled community is such an amazing group that I am proud to be of - especially as a female rider! My goal is to encourage people (especially women) to get outside in winter and enjoy what our gorgeous province has to offer and what better way to do that than to partner with the Alberta Snowmobile Association?