Mel Tonsi

I've had the pleasure of being an Ambassador for
the past 3 seasons and this will be my 4ty season!
Showcasing what the Alberta Snowmobile Association has helped local
clubs across Alberta accomplish over the years is an honor and allows me
to accomplish a few of my many goals. Promoting a family friendly
sport, keeping our riding area's open, and promoting volunteerism. Every Club
is always in need of volunteers.
What was your first machine?
2000 Polaris Indy 340
What are you riding now?
You will see me on a 2014 Arctic Cat Sno Pro M800, 2018 800 Mountain Cat, 2014 Arctic Cat Sno Pro M6000, or my favorite little fan cooled trail sled 2000 Polaris 550 RMK Indy Trail
Where is your favourite place in Alberta to ride?
Swan Hills
What is something you want people to know about you?
I am a wife and mom of 1 amazing young man. I live in Barrhead. I am a member and the treasurer of the Swan Hills Snow-Goers. I've been riding alongside my husband Dale who introduced me to snowmobiling over 20 yrs ago.
Winter is my favorite season! Snowmobiling is my way of clearing my mind after a busy week. It's a great sport to experience for individuals, couples, and families . It's a fantastic way to meet like minded people. Experiencing that stress-free feeling when you are cruising down a nicely groomed trail, or playing in a frolic area with fresh powder. Introducing the sport to your young child and teaching him/her a great outdoor activity that has unlimited skills they can learn and continue to grow into their own individual style. Hope to see you out on the trails this season!